Master Student
Carla obtained her Bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2020. To complete her M.Sc. degree, she moved to Cagliari and since October 2019 she has worked on the development of novel ecofriendly one-pot functionalizations of indole derivatives under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Secci.

Maria chiara cabua

Master Student
Nicola Camedda
Nicola Camedda obtained his Master degree in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Cagliari in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Secci. During his academic career, He spent one year at Semmelweis University of Budapest for studies. His thesis of degree featured a new strategy for synthetizing 3-alkyl benzofurans, starting off from simple building blocks such as 2-hydroxy- ciclobutanones. After his graduation, he has attended a 4 month postgraduate intership at the School of Chemistry of the University of Southampton Highfield Campus, gettig involved in the Research group of Dr.Prof. Richard Brown. During that period, his work was aimed at performing enantioselective reactions for making alcaloid natural products. Afterwards he started to work as a pharmacist. Actually he is a PhD student at the University of Parma, taking part in Dr.Pr. Giovanni Maestri research group.

roberto scipione

Master Student
Samuel ruggeri

Master Student
MSc project focused on the synthesis of 3-(2-bromoethyl)-benzofurans and its application to relevant biological compounds.
After receiving her Master degree in Med Chem at University of Cagliari, she spent 6 month in the laboratory of Prof. J. D. Winkler working on the improvement of the solubility of Trőger’s Base derivatives for use as self- assembling oligomers at UPenn (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA). Currently enrolled as PhD student at Unibo (Alma mater studiorum university of Bologna) and IIT (Italian Institute of Technology-Genoa) fellow, with project focused on the development of triple protein kinase inhibitors to tackle tauopaties and related unmet disorders (Prof. Andrea Cavalli). Her scientific interests are Drug discovery and Medicinal chemistry applied to CNS disorders, Organic synthesis, Synthesis of Natural products and Methodology.
Outside the lab she loves hanging out with friends and exploring new places around the world!

Master Student
Matteo lallai

nicoletta rusta

Master Student
francesca turnu

Maria Laura obtained her Master’s degree from the University of Cagliari (Italy) in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Secci. After a post-graduate internship in organic chemistry in summer 2014 at the same University, she moved to St. Catharines, Ontario (Canada) in 2016 to pursue her studies in organic chemistry as a PhD student at Brock University under the supervision of Professor Costa Metallinos. In October 2020 she defended her PhD thesis entitled “Stereoselective Synthesis of N-Propargyl Alkynes and Axial Chiral N-Allenes with Epimeric Pyrroloimidazolone Auxiliaries

Maria Grazia got her Master’s degree from the University of Cagliari (Italy) in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Secci. After a post-graduate internship in 2014 at the same University, she moved to Scotland in 2015 where she got her PhD in a project interfacing organic chemistry and biochemistry at the University of St Andrews, under the supervision of Prof David O’Hagan. On january 2020, she has joined the research group of Dr. Fernando López-Gallego, as postdoctoral researcher in Heterogeneous biocatalysis at Cicbiomagune in San Sebastian (Spain)